
菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的商业和信息技术学位为充满活力的全球商业环境做好准备. With 100% job placement in the areas of information systems, accounting, and management and administration, outstanding student-to-faculty ratios, and a robust interactive learning environment, you will succeed in meeting your career goals. Options include management of information systems, accounting, business administration, data analytics and more. Unique to Montana Tech, you can train in SAP, the world's leading Enterprise Resource Planning software. Explore the numerous programs available to you at Montana Tech!

Why Earn a B.S. Degree in Business from Montana Tech?

Our faculty bring extensive industry experience and expertise to the classroom. 我们有一个教学为先,指导的心态和教师将不遗余力地帮助你成功. 你也有很多机会与跨学科的教师和学生交流, project-based learning. Our graduates have consistently outperformed their peers on exit exams, are versatile, and can apply their skills across a variety of business career paths.

Differentiate Yourself at Montana Tech

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院是蒙大拿州唯一一所被正式指定为SAP大学联盟的大学. SAP是全球领先的企业资源规划(ERP)软件,87%的财富全球2000强公司使用该软件, and students work collaboratively to analyze complex data sets, identify issues, and find solutions. You will learn multiple analytical applications, including Microsoft Excel, Power BI, Tableau, SAP® Analytics Cloud, Orange, and Minitab, ensuring you are equipped with valuable skills for the digital age. 您将学习如何使用现代商业分析和可视化软件做出数据驱动的决策,从而推动明智的决策. 这些技能很容易转移到会计和管理行业,现在在实践中结合了数据分析, and business students at Montana Tech can pursue this option in the degree.

Exceptional Location

Work hard, play hard! Montana Tech’s location in Butte, 蒙大拿为您提供了快速便捷的户外探险机会. Enjoy skiing, mountain biking, hiking, backpacking, fishing, hunting – wherever your recreational interests lie, you will find it here in a central location of beautiful southwest Montana. Historic Butte also offers a vibrant art scene, with galleries, music venues, festivals, and theaters.

Strong Career Outcomes

See our outcomes.

14:1 Student to Faculty Ratio
$76,570 Median Starting Salary

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023

Meet Levi Dawes

Build on Your Associate of Applied Science Degree

希望在完成两年制应用科学副学士(AAS)学位后继续学习的学生可以在2年内获得应用科学学士(BAS)学位.5 years. 该计划是专门为那些在任何学科获得AAS的学生设计的,他们有机会通过正规的商业培训来补充他们的学习,并获得BAS学位. 在你的AAS中添加BAS证书将使你在雇主寻找增值证书的名单中名列前茅,并且随着你获得经验,将为你的职业发展奠定基础.

Hands-on Learning

Through hands-on learning experiences, such as class projects, case studies, business simulations, and a senior capstone project, you’ll learn to apply business concepts to real-world business situations. Your faculty mentors will also help connect you to high-quality, hands-on business internships with companies of interest to you.

Explore your opportunities through the option-specific pages
Business and Information Technology-Accounting, B.S.


SAP Student Recognition Award


Business and Information Tech - Management of Information, B.S.

您将学习如何分析各种数据,以支持决策,为使用最新技术的公司创造价值. You will also design, 建立和维护支持业务和运营的信息系统.

Business- Construction Management Track, B.A.S.

本课程是为获得建筑技术-木工专业AAS的学生设计的, Civil Engineering Technology, or Drafting Technology, and wants to supplement it with a degree in Business.

Business- Management Track, B.A.S.

专注于管理应用科学学士课程,专为已完成AAS学位的学生设计, and wish to advance into management roles.

Business- Helena Business Program

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院商科与海伦娜学院有着长期的合作关系,这使得我们能够在海伦娜学院校园内提供课程. Specialize in accounting or management.

Business- Accounting Track, B.A.S.

This degree is for students who have completed an A.A.S. 我想继续攻读会计专业的学士学位.

Business Administration Minor

Bring added value to your B.S. degree in any discipline with training in today's concepts in business.


Our business program is proudly accredited.

Learn More About Business


Careers and Placement

We take pride in the career outcomes our students achieve.


Keep up with what is happening in the Business Department.

Sigma Beta Delta

Sigma Beta Delta是一个由管理和商业学生组成的国际荣誉社团.

Connect with us.

We are here to answer your questions and help you get started.

Tim Kober
Professor, Department Head